The process of building a home in Ghana can be...
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Who We Are

Nationwide Affordable Housing Scheme
For all Ghanaians seeking to own a home. For Groups and Unions of Organizations. For Manufacturers, Suppliers & Contractors.
Nationwide Affordable Housing Scheme
– NAHS would create opportunities for access to hassle-free, affordable housing and renewable energy for homes; and in the process deliver on the creation of over 100,000 jobs across the respective value chains by leveraging artisan labor and the sustainable sourcing of locally engineered building solutions.
The Nationwide Affordable Housing Scheme – NAHS is an amalgamation of the most relevant stakeholders within the housing supply industry.
We are made up of institutional regulators, construction service providers, architects, certified land owners, mortgage finance and insurance corporations, material suppliers and professional artisan networks.
In Ghana, Nationwide Affordable Housing Scheme – NAHS is posited to lead the way in pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11, UN SDG 11; established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005.
The official mission of SDG 11 is to promote SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES. That is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; with a primary target to ensure access for all, to adequate and affordable housing and basic services by 2030.
Nationwide Affordable Housing Scheme – NAHS would create opportunities for access to hassle-free, affordable housing and renewable energy for homes; and in the process deliver on the creation of over 100,000 jobs across the respective value chains by leveraging artisan labor and the sustainable sourcing of locally engineered building solutions.
We are not just building houses; we have designed a sustainable ecosystem that is both value-based and purpose-driven; and strategically hinged on the core mandates of building lives, developing communities, creating new cities and transforming nations.

- Mission
- Vision
- Core Values
In Ghana, NAHS is posited to lead the way in pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11, UN SDG 11; established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005.
For all Ghanaians seeking to own a home. For Groups and Unions of Organizations. For Manufacturers, Suppliers & Contractors.
The official mission of SDG 11 is to promote SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES. That is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; with a primary target to ensure access for all, to adequate and affordable housing and basic services by 2030.
NAHS would create opportunities for access to hassle-free, affordable housing and renewable energy for homes; and in the process deliver on the creation of over 100,000 jobs across the respective value chains by leveraging artisan labor and the sustainable sourcing of locally engineered building solutions.
Houses Built
These are the number of houses built and sold by the cmpaney
Lands Sold
These are the number of lands sold within the period of 3 years
Jobs Created
These are the number of jobs created by the company
Houses Buit
These are the number of partnerships secured by a company